Raising money for GC08
Well it is that time of year again. Time for that semi annual tradition: Guy Cruise 2008. This year the boys are getting ready; packing their togas, and sheep lubricant. Now all there is to do is decide where to go. Bellow are listed several options:

Choices, choices, choices.....
This is the easiest and most straightforward course. Basically it is a tour of most of the notable spots in Howe Sound with access to the bustling metropolis of Gibsons.
This is the attempted course for the first 2007 Guy Cruise. Basically it is a sort of pub crawl stopping at the ever popular Silva Bay Marina, Thetis, and Montague. All spots with lots of people and fun.
This is for those with balls that want to go their own way. Heading North we abandon the crowds and ending in Naniamo.
This goes for the gut of the Gulf Islands hitting some of the best anchorages.