Thursday, August 21, 2008

iPhone and Boating

A gps track from a iPhone application.

Okay I am a PC guy. I do not dribble at the site of mac computers but even so I was of course impressed with the iPods that they launched years ago. Now with the release of the iPhone in Canada on Roger's network I had the opportunity to pick one up. This is a cool gadget. While it is basically a mini-pc with a phone attached I saw the potential for sailing.

Curt-ASS used a GPS tracking application and tracked our progress on on the English Bay Scamble; see above. After that we both started looking at various applications for sailing. There is a full marine navigation package for the iPhone with charts, tide applications, and various weather and timer apps that could all be useful. While I am a novice with this device I will post more specifics as I learn them but so far this little gadget looks like it will be a usefull addition to the boat (just don't drop it overboard $$$).

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